Mostafa EL Masry

In today’s fast-moving economy, especially in the international trade & investment field, it is of utmost importance to have a competent partner in this area.

Consulting & Solutions

Gives consultant and solution serve to help companies achieve their goals or streamline operations in a particular area of the business, such as sales, IT, finance, marketing, supply chain management, operations, and security.

International Trading

Planning to establish a network of representative offices in Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa starting by Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania, Mauritania, Kuwait, UAE (Dubai).

Business Creator

I have the ability to individually entrepreneur start and run a business with limited resources and planning, and be responsible for all the risks and rewards of the business venture.

Mostafa M. EL Masry
April 2024

About Me.

My name is Mostafa Medhat El Masry, an entrepreneur who has established and led three successful businesses in different sectors over the last two decades. My entrepreneurial journey began in 2000 with Bright Star EG (BSE), a company that provided IT solutions, Internet connectivity, software, and website development for enterprises and foreign companies in Egypt. I also created several websites and platforms under BSE.
In 2010, I entered the consumer electronics market with Bright Touchpad, the first Egyptian brand of Android tablets. I launched various models of tablets with innovative features and competitive prices, gaining a significant market share and customer loyalty. In 2016, I founded E-Trade EG, a company that offered quality control, training, and marketing services for products by enhancing presence and reach. I helped many local and international brands to increase their sales and reputation in the Egyptian market.
Regional Business Partner of Indata in Türkiye.
My most recent venture is InPartners, a consultancy firm that helps businesses to grow and develop through innovative strategies and international outsourcing sales and marketing in all MENA and Sub-Saharan African Countries. I am a visionary leader who has contributed to the economic and social development of my country and region.

I welcome you on board and I am glad that you are visiting my portfolio.

The Complete Collection: Post Index
  • Trade in Islam: Merging Ancient Principles with Modern Practices

    How can the legal provisions for trade in Islam be applied in our time, and can this be implemented on the ground? Applying the legal rulings on trade in Islam in the current era requires a deep understanding of Islamic principles and their application to modern circumstances and challenges.There are several methods that can be…

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  • What are the legal rulings on trade in Islam?

    Trade in Islam is not merely a transactional activity; it’s governed by a set of legal provisions aimed at fostering justice, integrity, and fairness. These provisions serve as the bedrock for a thriving commercial environment, ensuring that every trade is conducted with honesty, fairness, and equality. Let’s delve into some of the key principles that…

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  • التجارة و الاسلام!

    التجارة و الاسلام! لطالما شغله ذهني هذا الموضوع وهو موضوع تطبيق التجاره الاسلاميه او بمعنى ادق تطبيق احكام الشريعه في الاسلام على اسلوبنا في التجاره اليوم. الجدير بالذكر انه يوجد اعداد ليست بالقليله تتبع بعض من الشريعه الاسلاميه في تعاملاتها التجاريه دون علم منها وهذا لا ينطبق على المسلمون فقط ولكن ايضا على بعض من…

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Due to its experience and knowledge I will be glad to help you grow your business by using my 33 years of experience and through my relationships network which can offer you a vast range of services not only to market your products by bringing them to a wider knowledge with the aid of in the region in the Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa and to make you a part of our growing community of professionals who seek our consulting solutions in Sales and Marketing which is part of our external sales and marketing services through my team work which is located in a number of countries in the region which provides a representative offices in the Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa, starting with Egypt!

Recommendation Letters

International Outsourcing Sales & Marketing (InPartners) Istanbul – Türkiye Dec 2022 – Present

Founder & Managing Partner

InPartners offers your company the best solution to opening market for your product and services in all MENA and Sub-Saharan African Countries.
InPartners Powered By three companies with more than 65 yeas of collective experience in MENA, and Sub-Saharan African Countries.

Software Solution Company –Indata Global (INDATA) Istanbul – Türkiye August 2022 – Present

Regional Business Partner

Indata Global is one of the leading software companies in the industry with years of experience and an ambitious and motivated team.  Founded in Istanbul in 2017, INDATA Industrial Data Technologies continues its way as Indata Global with the motivation to offer solutions to clients all over the world.   We offer full-cycle Software Development services delivering innovative solutions in Technology Consulting, Product Development, and IT Outsourcing.

Quality Assurance Company – E Trade EG (ETEG) Cairo – Egypt March 2016 – Present

Founder, CEO and Partner

E Trade Eg Business operations were started by Mostafa Medhat in early 2016.

He previously spent 16 years as company founder and General Manager until now for Bright Star Eg and upgrade from personal company to an a shareholding company, Working at Internet and website development, Troubleshooting Services, and Internet security systems. Our company’s original objective to become a Sales & marketing solutions consulting, quality control and Safety Assurance consulting, service enterprise and to assist companies in Egypt.

IT Company–Bright Star EG (BSE) Cairo – Egypt June 2000 –Present

Founder, CEO and Partner

Bright Star Eg original objective was to become a computer troubleshooting service enterprise and to assist foreign companies in Egypt. We have now expanded this objective to include Internet connection services, Export software, Multimedia CDs, Websites (development, designed, hosting, and marketing). The past 8 years have proven to be very successful, for we have experienced growth in sales and customers in each year of operation.


Development, Satisfaction and Longevity.

Some of our success stories ( 2000 — 2022 )


Universal Tires Company.
Tenth of Ramadan Exchange Co.
Embassy of the Argentine Republic.
Embassy of the Republic of Panama.
Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cairo –Egypt.


My Goals

Growing our business globally.
Providing consultancy activities.
Gaining comparative advantages.
Developing more flexible solutions.
Improving and developing our business performance.



Etisalat Egypt.
Internet Egypt.
Rochen Limited.
NameCheap, Inc.
Comec Computer.
Truman Electronic.
LINKDSL (Orange Internet).
Surpass High -Tech Co., Ltd.
Intel Software Partner Program.

If you need professional advice on your project, you can ask me for a consultation. I have extensive experience and expertise in various fields, and I can help you achieve your goals.

Contact me today to schedule a meeting.

Please feel free to contact me via LinkedIn.

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