“Movement is a Blessing: My Journey of Progress”

الحركة بركة: رحلتي للتقدم

In a world that often seems divided into three states—stagnation, regression, and progress—I’ve come to understand that there are only two true states: delay and progress. Constancy is reserved for a higher power, for constancy is an attribute of God Almighty, and it’s up to us to choose our path. This realization has been the cornerstone of my journey, a journey that has been filled with lessons, resilience, and unwavering determination.

Have you ever felt stuck, standing still while the world around you continues to evolve?

It’s a feeling of falling behind, like watching a race unfold before your eyes, unable to move as others surge forward. I’ve learned that this is a dangerous state to be in, one that can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities.

Trying new things and stepping out of your comfort zone can be a powerful tool for personal growth. By exploring the possibilities around you and dreaming big, you can overcome obstacles and find solutions to life’s crises.

Remember, seeking help and support when needed is a sign of strength, not weakness. Keep pushing forward and never give up on your dreams.

In the following lines, I’ll tell you some parts of my life that gave me a lot of experience and courage to keep moving on.

Many of us believe that there are three states in our world, which are the state of remaining at the same level, and the state of backwardness, let me explain this idea to you in detail. If you do not advance, you are falling behind because others are advancing. If you are falling behind, it is like a running race. If the referee’s whistle blows at the beginning of a competition and you do not move, and the others are moving, even if they are moving slowly, So they are advancing and you are falling behind. This is why I do not advise anyone to remain in a state of silence and not try to do anything, whatever it may be. The circumstances surrounding it are like a machine. Suppose, for example, that we have a machine that was stopped for some time and after this period it was operated. It is more than 90% likely that it will not work and must be maintained, and spare parts changed. Even after all this maintenance and change, studies have proven that it does not work. It gives the same amount of power that it was designed for. This is a human being, just like this machine. If you do not use your mind and enter into new and multiple fields, even if you do not have the financial ability, you lose your ability to think and do not keep up with progress. Therefore, I advise you not to stay still in trying to progress, even if the progress is simple, but One day, try to advance. Do not leave yourself prey to depression and the circle of financial capabilities and possibilities surrounding you but move.

Much of this strength came from my mother, who indirectly encouraged me by emphasizing the importance of presenting well-thought-out projects. She understood that studying alone was not enough, and her repeated insistence pushed me to refine my ideas and plans.

A period passed I was without work, but every day I went to a new place to study a new project, even if I did not have the money for a bus ticket, so I walked for more than Twenty kilometers a day by day. not despairing, learning from others, and discovering new places, I continued in this state for more than three years without getting tired or bored. I will not hide from you a secret that at times I used to experience some kind of frustration, but I quickly regained my energy and started again.

This credit goes to my mother, who used to encourage me indirectly, as she used to tell me that she had someone who wanted me to participate in any project for which I would present a good study that would prove that this project was successful and could achieve profits, and of course, every time I present a project to her, she takes it from me, and after a few days, she tells me, “No, the loyalists are not convinced of the project, because studying is not enough, and I repeat and repeat, and repeat, and repeat.” But after some time, and after I have returned to work, I will not hide from you the secret of how this period was a very useful period for me, as I discovered places that I had never been to before. Places where I can obtain goods and services at prices that enabled me to compete, and it was one of the pillars of my partner’s excellence after that, and it still is to this day. I benefit from this experience, so I advise everyone to discover all the possibilities around you. Do not let the obstacle of money stop you. Discover and make your mind work and dream. Do not stop dreaming. Do not make your dreams small, but rather make your dreams big, bigger than you imagine, at the same time, live in reality, and in one way or another, you will find solutions to your crises, and in the end, success will be your ally.

My message to you, dear followers, is clear: do not be deterred by financial constraints or life’s obstacles. Explore your surroundings, make your mind work, and dream big. While dreaming, keep one foot planted firmly in reality, for it is there that you will find solutions to your crises. Success will become your ally on your journey of progress, just as it has become mine.

By Mostafa EL Masry

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