Prompt Question: “Why do we always come late?”

late to seek help for your problems

Are you always late to seek help for your problems? Do you think that you have to solve everything by yourself and that nobody can understand you? If so, you might be missing out on some valuable opportunities to get out of your troubles.

You don’t have the right to think that you are smarter than everyone else and that they are all dumb. That’s not only arrogant but also counterproductive.

Seeking help is not a sign of weakness but of strength. It shows that you are willing to learn from others, to listen to different perspectives, and to collaborate on finding solutions. You don’t have to struggle alone, there are people who can help you if you let them.

But how do you let them help you?

One of the key skills that you need to develop is being open-minded.

First, you have to respect their opinions and abilities. You don’t have to agree with everything they say, but you have to give them a chance to express themselves.

Second, you have to be open-minded and flexible. Don’t be stuck in your own way of thinking, or in your own assumptions. There might be other ways to look at your problem, or other solutions that you haven’t considered. Someone else might see something that you don’t, because they are outside of the problem, while you are inside of it. That’s why it’s important to get a fresh perspective from someone who can see the bigger picture.

Third, you have to be grateful and appreciative. Don’t take their help for granted, or expect them to do everything for you. Thank them for their time, their effort, and their input. Acknowledge their contribution, and give them credit for their ideas. Show them that you value their help and that you are willing to return the favor when they need it.

How can you be more open-minded? Here are some tips:

Ask questions. Don’t assume that you know everything, or that you have the best answer. Ask others for their input, their feedback, and their suggestions. Try to understand their point of view, their reasoning, and their evidence. Be genuinely interested in what they have to say, and don’t interrupt them or judge them.

Seek diversity. Don’t limit yourself to people who think like you, or who agree with you. Seek out people who have different backgrounds, experiences, cultures, and perspectives. Learn from their stories, their insights, and their wisdom. Appreciate the value of diversity, and embrace it as an opportunity to grow.

Be humble. Don’t think that you are smarter than everyone else, or that you have nothing to learn from them. Recognize your own limitations, biases, and mistakes. Be willing to admit when you are wrong, and to apologize when you hurt someone. Be grateful for the help that you receive, and acknowledge the contribution of others.

Experiment. Don’t be afraid to try new things, or to change your mind. Experiment with different approaches, methods, and solutions. Test your hypotheses, and see what works and what doesn’t. Learn from your failures, and celebrate your successes. Be open to feedback, and use it to improve.

By following these tips, you can improve your chances of getting out of your problems faster and easier. You can also build stronger relationships with the people who help you, and create a positive environment for yourself and others. Remember, seeking help is not a weakness, but a strength. Don’t be late for asking for help, be smart and proactive.

By Mostafa EL Masry

Read about why you need a business consultant!

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