Good market or Good goods?

Good market vs. Good goods

If you want to succeed in the market, you need to understand what your customers want and need. You might think that you have a great product that is superior to others in terms of quality and performance, but that does not mean that your customers will agree with you. Sometimes, you might be surprised by how some products that seem mediocre or even inferior to you have a lot of popularity and demand among customers, while other products that you think are excellent are ignored or rejected by them. This is why you should not base your decisions on your own personal preferences or opinions about the products that you import or produce. You should do thorough market research and analysis before you launch any product and see what the customers’ expectations, preferences, and behaviors are for that product category. You should also try to create a product that appeals to the largest segment of customers possible and that has a strong personality and identity that distinguishes it from the competitors. By doing this, you will increase your chances of achieving customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately, market success.

For example, let’s say you want to import or produce a new type of smartphone. You might think that the most important features of a smartphone are the battery life, the camera quality, and the storage capacity. However, if you do not do market research, you might not know that your customers have different priorities or preferences. Maybe they care more about the design, the price, or the brand name of the smartphone. Maybe they have different habits or needs when it comes to using their smartphones. Maybe they are influenced by social media, word-of-mouth, or advertising when they make their purchase decisions. If you ignore these factors and only focus on your own opinion, you might end up with a product that does not meet the customers’ expectations or desires, and that will not sell well in the market.

On the other hand, if you do market research and analysis before you launch your product, you will be able to understand what your customers want and need from a smartphone. You will be able to design a product that matches their preferences and behaviors, and that offers them a unique value proposition. You will also be able to position your product in a way that makes it stand out from the competitors and attract the attention of the customers. By doing this, you will be able to create a product that satisfies and delights your customers, and that earns their loyalty and trust, and ultimately, market success.

Some of the common mistakes that people make when they import or produce products without doing market research are:

  • They overestimate the demand for their product and end up with excess inventory that they cannot sell.
  • They underestimate the competition and fail to differentiate their product from others in the market.
  • They set the wrong price for their product and either lose money or lose customers.
  • They target the wrong segment of customers and miss out on potential opportunities.
  • They ignore the feedback from their customers and do not improve their product or service.

These mistakes can cost you a lot of time, money, and reputation, and can prevent you from achieving your goals in the market. Therefore, it is essential that you do market research and analysis before you import or produce any product, and that you follow the best practices of marketing and customer service.

By Mostafa EL Masry

Read about why you need a business consultant!

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