How to Choose and Train a Secretary or an Office Manager?

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A secretary or an office manager is a vital part of any successful administration. They are responsible for organizing, coordinating, and communicating with various stakeholders, as well as handling administrative tasks such as scheduling, filing, and budgeting. Therefore, choosing and training a secretary or an office manager is not an easy task, and it requires careful consideration of several factors.

First, you need to define the role and responsibilities of the secretary or the office manager. What are the main duties and expectations of the position? What skills and qualifications are required? What are the goals and objectives of the administration? You should write a clear and detailed job description that outlines the scope and requirements of the role.

Second, you need to recruit and select the best candidate for the position. You can use various methods to attract and screen potential applicants, such as advertising, networking, referrals, interviews, tests, and assessments. You should look for candidates who have relevant experience, education, and training in administration, as well as personal qualities such as professionalism, reliability, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Third, you need to train and develop the secretary or the office manager. You should provide them with adequate orientation and induction to familiarize them with the organization, the culture, the policies, and the procedures. You should also provide them with ongoing feedback, coaching, mentoring, and support to help them improve their performance and skills. You should also encourage them to pursue further learning opportunities such as courses, workshops, seminars, and certifications.

Choosing and training a secretary or an office manager is a crucial step in ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of your administration. By following these tips, you can find and retain a competent and qualified professional who can help you achieve your administrative goals.

By Mostafa EL Masry

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