Tag: #Advisor

  • Basics that must be available in any successful business!

    Basics that must be available in any successful business!

    If you are an aspiring entrepreneur or a business owner, you might be wondering what are the essential ingredients for a successful business. There is no definitive answer to this question, as different businesses may require different strategies, resources and skills. However, there are some common elements that most successful businesses share, and that you…

  • Problem retention of employees and how to address the loss of a reasonable sales force!

    Problem retention of employees and how to address the loss of a reasonable sales force!

    Employee retention is a crucial issue for any business, especially in the sales sector. A high turnover rate of salespeople can have a negative impact on the company’s performance, customer satisfaction, and reputation. I will explore some of the common causes of employee attrition in sales, and how to address them effectively. Some of the…

  • Do you have a new business idea? This is a big problem!

    Do you have a new business idea? This is a big problem!

    You might think that having a new business idea is a great thing. After all, you are passionate about solving a problem, creating value, and making a difference in the world. But did you know that having a new business idea can also be a big problem? According to a study by Harvard Business School,…

  • Why are fixed expenses one of the big problems It may lead to the closure of businesses?

    Why are fixed expenses one of the big problems It may lead to the closure of businesses?

    One of the big problems that many businesses face is the high level of fixed expenses. Fixed expenses are the costs that do not change regardless of the level of sales or production. Examples of fixed expenses are rent, salaries, insurance, utilities, and depreciation. Fixed expenses can pose a serious challenge for businesses, especially in…

  • Why Continuity is the basis of success?

    Why Continuity is the basis of success?

    One of the most important factors for achieving success in any field is continuity. Continuity means maintaining a consistent and persistent effort towards your goals, without giving up or getting distracted. Continuity is the basis of success! Why is continuity so important? Because it allows you to: How can you develop continuity? Here are some…