Category: Business Consultant

  • Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success!

    Embracing Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success!

    Failure is a universal experience that we all encounter at some point in our personal and professional lives. It can be disheartening and intimidating, much like a child’s fear of trying to walk again after falling. However, it’s essential to remember that avoiding failure won’t lead to success. In fact, failure is often a necessary…

  • “Movement is a Blessing: My Journey of Progress”

    “Movement is a Blessing: My Journey of Progress”

    In a world that often seems divided into three states—stagnation, regression, and progress—I’ve come to understand that there are only two true states: delay and progress. Constancy is reserved for a higher power, for constancy is an attribute of God Almighty, and it’s up to us to choose our path. This realization has been the…

  • يسعدني مشاركة رحلتي

    يسعدني مشاركة رحلتي

    باعتباري منظمًا خارجيًا، حظيت بشرف لا يصدق لكوني جزءًا من الفريق الذي جعل حدث ULTRA CON في الرياض بالمملكة العربية السعودية يحقق نجاحًا هائلاً! باعتباري صاحب رؤية ومستشار في مجال الأعمال، كانت رحلتي تجربة لا تُنسى، حيث نظرت إلى الإمكانات اللامحدودة للرياض كوجهة أعمال مزدهرة. هذا هو سبب تميز الرياض بفرص الأعمال ذات الطلب المرتفع:…

  • Thrilled to Share My Journey!

    Thrilled to Share My Journey!

    As a third-party organizer, I had the incredible privilege of being part of the team that made the ULTRA CON Event in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia a roaring success! As a Business visionary and consultant, my Journey was an unforgettable experience, looking at the limitless potential of Riyadh as a thriving business destination. Here’s why Riyadh…

  • Prompt Question: “Why do we always come late?”

    Prompt Question: “Why do we always come late?”

    Are you always late to seek help for your problems? Do you think that you have to solve everything by yourself and that nobody can understand you? If so, you might be missing out on some valuable opportunities to get out of your troubles. You don’t have the right to think that you are smarter…