Again, Why is continuity the basis of success?

Why Is Continuity The Basis Of Success?

Let’s go back to the article on continuity is the basis of success, to talk in more detail about the advantages of continuity and why it is the basis of success.

Continuity is the cornerstone of all aspects of our lives and for anything in our lives, but here we are only talking about the commercial aspect.

Continuity begins from the first day you open your project, no matter what the activity is, no matter how big it is.

You always have one goal, which is success. In order to achieve success, you must prove that your business idea is a correct and good idea. This is where continuity begins, which is the basis of success. Every day you wake up in the morning and go to your project and work. You achieve success even if it is without profits.

I have a special request for anyone who is about to start a business project, which is to put dreams of profits aside, as there is no business project that makes profits from the first day. Do not be fooled by the pride of the profits that come in the first month of opening your project, as these profits are nothing but the pride of opening and the help of friends and family to motivate you and bless your project. Always remember that you are not the only one who started this project, even if you were the first to open the project or introduce this idea, do not expect success for a longer period, new ideas are always more difficult to generate profits than popular ideas (see my article on) (Do you have a new project idea? Here lies the big problem).

So every day you spend in the market you achieve success and gain new experience that proves your existence, establish new relationships, try to address the mistakes you made, try to open new marketing channels, replace bad employees with better employees, and try to provide better service or get a higher quality product at a lower price.

Every day you are present and continuous, so if you are progressing and succeeding, know very well that every day will be more difficult than the day before, so do not exhaust all your savings so that you can continue for as long as possible (see my article on) (Why are fixed expenses one of the main problems that may lead to the closure of companies?).

Many companies or shops do not last more than six months and close and the project owner says the famous proverb (the market is bad) or rather (the market is bad) but the truth is that it is not the market, it is one of two things: either you did not conduct a good study of the market based on accurate foundations or you do not have enough experience to make you continue (see my articles on) (How to start a successful business project?) (Basics that must be available in any successful project) (The best way to study business projects before starting them).

Be sure that at the beginning you will find yourself disorganized and have many problems that were not clear to you, especially if you did not study the market well.

But if you have a good study, your problems will be limited to labor problems, employee efficiency, how to make them adhere to their appointments, marketing problems, customer problems that cannot be found in any market study, and problems of the general atmosphere of the market.

All of these factors and many other factors will face you, so you must be patient and wise and always look for solutions to all the problems you face.

I must also emphasize the need to quickly admit your mistakes and seek help from experienced people (see my article on) (Why do you need a business consultant?) to address your mistakes so that the mistake does not turn into a problem and exhaust your investment balance and the result is failure and closure, God forbid.

Therefore, you must be wise in dealing with the problems that you may face. Learning does not happen overnight, but rather over months and years.

Therefore, I always say that continuity is the basis of success. I hope that I have presented the topic in the right way, and I know that talking about it requires many articles, and always remember that continuity is the basis of success.

Best regards,
By Mostafa EL Masry

Please feel free to contact me via LinkedIn.